A Word About Comair 5191

Another tragic accident that should not have happened. But as with others, the best we can hope for is to learn from the mistakes that led to it, and work tirelessly to prevent another. Having lost a very good friend and fellow aviator to another aircraft accident several years ago, I have more than a passing interest in aircraft safety and accident prevention.

I’ve been approached several times in the last few days with the same question: how does one takeoff on the wrong runway? Those of you who are pilots, including yours truly (still one at heart), know exactly how it happens.

Our hearts go out to the victims, their families, and their friends.

1 comment
  1. Amen, brother. I am not a pilot, but a lot of my friends are pilots. I, too, know how this could happen. I fly on a lot of Comair flights, too. This could have been me.

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