5 Reasons Why I Hate The CRJ-200

a plane on the tarmac

The CRJ-200 is my plane nemesis. While I enjoy the experience of flying its larger regional jet counterpart, the Embraer E175, the Canadair Regional Jet family is just awful. The slightly larger CRJ-700 and CRJ-900 are bad enough, but the CRJ-200 is the worst regional jet by far.

Nothing about flying the plane is cool, unlike hopping on a tiny Pilatus PC-12 with Boutique Air. Nor is it a new experience, like when we flew a PenAir Saab 340. It’s just the same old miserable experience.

While I’m excited about my next work trip for other reasons, the fact I’ll be flying 1,000 miles in a CRJ-200 definitely puts a damper on things. I’m used to the short hop from Arcata to SFO, but this time I’ll be hopping all the way to Denver. Here are five reasons why I can’t stand the CRJ-200:

If You’re Any Taller Than Me, You Don’t Fit

I’m a little over 5’10” and I barely fit on the CRJ-200. I can walk down the aisle just fine, but you definitely feel cramped when your head is nearly at the ceiling. Anyone over 6 feet has to stoop. I pity those taller than me every time I fly these tiny planes. I’m sure they hate the CRJ even more than I do.

One of my most vivid flight memories was when I flew into Roanoke from Chicago on a CRJ-200. There was one passenger who had to be 275+ pounds and at least 6’3″. He was in Economy Plus, but you can imagine that this still wasn’t much of a benefit. He spent the bulk of the flight standing at the front of the aircraft by the cockpit door, looking utterly miserable.

The Windows Are Designed For A Six Year Old

I love looking out an airplane window. It’s part of the magic of air travel. I’m firmly #TeamWindowSeat on short flights. Even on longer ones where I’ll need to use the lav, I can usually time it when other people get up as well. The window is the place to be (and yes, I will keep that shade open, Mark).

But the CRJ windows are so low that your neck rebels when you try to look out. You have to crane so far over that it hurts. They are fine for my kids, but not for any adult. A visit to the chiropractor might be in order after several flights. It does not surprise me that many people shut the window shade and lean back with their eyes closed. Yes, I want this to just be over, too.

a child looking out a window

There’s No First Class

While the other CRJs offer at least a handful of first class seats, the CRJ-200 gets zero. The most you get is Economy Plus, and it only has one row. Even that is sad, as it is at the bulkhead and foot space isn’t actually all that great.

On the other end of the spectrum is the E175, which actually has one of the highest ratios of first-to-economy class of any aircraft. Out of 76 seats, a whopping twelve are first class. Even this Premier Silver has batted 100% on E175 upgrades. Contrast this with a mere 8 first class on a A319.

You Are Basically Too Cramped To Work

I can work on my laptop just fine on most mainline flights. If I’m in an economy product with a little extra legroom, the tray table is perfect for my laptop. If I’m not, holding on my lap is tolerable. In any case, there is at least some level or productivity.

On the CRJ, I’ve learned not to bother. Unless something is so critical as to necessitate me to work during a short hop, I don’t even try. Unfortunately, I end up pulling my laptop out of my pack and putting it under the seat. Even lightly-filled weekender backpack is too much for the tiny overhead bins. But I can usually cram it in there if I’m not worried about breaking anything.

an airplane on the tarmac

It Lands With A Thud

My last landing on a E175 was utter perfection. The pilots of the Alaska (operated by SkyWest) aircraft brought it down so gently it was like landing on a cloud. This has been fairly rare in my experience when flying the regional jet, but sometimes the pilots pull it off.

With the CRJ-200, I feel like we just smack the runway. Hard. Every time. There’s no last-second floating sensation. Coming into SFO it is just water, water, water, rocks, runway, THUD! Looking on the bright side, landing does mean we’re about to be done with the misery.


I can’t hate on the CRJ-200 too hard, though. It is what connects our tiny airport to the outside world. I vastly preferred when United flew one fewer flight but operated E175s on all of them. Now we’re back to the CRJ-200, with one CRJ-700 flight to start the day. Oh, the frustrations of regional travel.

  1. Agreed. I’d add that unless pilots use alternate power supply during descent, AC doesn’t work and plane is already tax’d to try and keep passenger area cool. Lately, reliability problems are high. No Air Line is spending much on this plane and they keep telling us they will be retired. it’s on Delta’s schedule 330 days out.

    1. I thought DL had retired them all…I must be mistaken.

      I don’t think there will be any fanfare (a la MD-80) when these horrible birds go by the wayside.

  2. Just 5 hates???. The story behind the stupid window configuration. You may know the CRJ was derived from Challenger and in particular the fuselage remained unchanged. However, they raised the floor (presumably to accommodate the 4 abreast seating) but left the windows at the same height as the Challenger. Voila! Instant agony.

  3. O come on, a first world problem. I fly this plane all the time. It is not great but it gets me there reliably. I admit that there are other aircraft that I prefer but what is, is.

      1. John is right. If you really are complaining about this plane, you’re over privileged. The CRJ gets the job done and isn’t meant to be some luxury experience like the business jet it was derived from

      1. Yes, it SUCKS! The CRJ200 is the WORST flying experience I’ve ever had. I quit using the Regional Airport because of this plane model, plus the last time I was on one (2005), we took off sideways and never really got up in the sky. Because this plane is so terrible, I now fly to a major airport and rent a car to drive three hours to get to my destination, and that is somehow still less miserable than having to spend 45 minutes in this piece of dangerous garbage.

        1. It’s not terrible. If you really think this is the worst plane you haven’t been flying that much. First world problem.

  4. Oh, it’s a horrible little thing but except for the low windows I can stand it for about 90 minutes or so. Never had a problem with the cabin height and I’m just a tad over 5’11”. Won’t miss ’em when they’re gone.

    1. Most hops I’ve been on have been no more than about 60 minutes as well. This upcoming flight to Denver, though, will be quite a bit longer.

      Not sure how long they’ll be around, but I don’t see UA regional partners letting them go anytime soon.

  5. i commuted for years on a Delta CRJ200. You only bearable seat is the 8b & 8c exit row aisles — they have more leg room! and my 21″ Rimowa cabin roller bag just fits in the overhead. Now, DL has mostly phased it out on my rooting, but still get the occasional CRJ700 w/ the tiny overhead bins, and rear toilet only, but has First.

  6. Totally with you! All my tiny airport has is CR2’s except a single Delta mainline early am flight to ATL. EVERY other flight in here is a CRJ2.
    You forget that they are also HOT before the engines get spooled. I am thankful we have service here, but these jets are horrid

    1. I guess that is one benefit of living in a climate where it stays in the 50-65 degree range most of the time. Plus, I’m often on the first flight out after the aircraft has sat all night.

    2. They are not horrid. If you want to fly on a horrid jet, try the DC-10, 737 Max, Embraer smaller Jets and their EMB-120 turboprop, MD series, etc.

      1. I would fly the EMB 120 Brasilia over, and over, and over again, happily, before any CRJ. Loved it when they flew them to where I live.

  7. I’m with you! It’s amazing how many routes there are where UA plunk a CRJ to do the work of a larger aircraft. Case in point: ORD-ELP used to be served by a E-175s. That route has since been downgraded (a word that should be in caps) to a CRJ-700.
    Three hours in a CRJ-700? Absolutely miserable. Mind you, I’m 6’4″ and 260, so any CRJ is a miserable experience for me. The E-175 was nice, the CRJ is lousy and I am amazed that anyone operating them could think that they are competitive. Looking at you, United…

    1. They are competitive when it comes to cost. But that is about it. Like you say, passenger experience is awful. I often drive 4+ hours to fly mainline, mainly due to reliability/cost, not the CRJ-200 issue.

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