Women-only hotel floors: Enough already!


At least once a year, a media outlet dusts off the old story about women-only hotel floors. The latest one’s from Yahoo, and it jumps off the news that a judge ruled the women-only floor – with special amenities like quality hair dryers, nail files and skin care samples – amounted to gender discrimination. The hotel, in turn, opened the floor up to men.

Overall, though, there’s nothing too new on the subject, and it’s not a trend. So I turned to Facebook friends on Aug. 17 to find out what they think, and wow…. The comments poured in!

Here’s a sampling of them…

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Women-only floors? No thanks!

Meg Ryan, a cruise travel agent, speaks for me – and plenty of other women who about the need for women-only floors:

“No thanks. I don’t need a women’s only floor with whatever trappings are included. All I want when I check in is a clean,quiet room with everything in working order. I think that whole idea is nuts.”

Business traveler Susan Deluzain Barry:

“Super insulting, IMHO. I remember Wyndham doing this is the 90s, when they still had nice hotels. How about just making your hotel safe, clean, and accommodating for any guest?”

Australia-based road warrior Chris Connell, who is male, called it “an old and flawed marketing concept.”

“What is next ..a floor for left handers or perhaps a floor for people who like to play hallway sports ball games late at night?”

Peggy Coonley, whose company Serendipity Travel specializes in luxury trips for active Baby Boomer women, wrote:

“I have never understood the concept of women only floors. Serendipity Traveler clients prefer smaller intimate hotels where attention to detail is a priority. I think women are sitting/sleeping ducks on all women floors and more vulnerable to issues arising, frankly.”

Comments on my Facebook page (Barbara.Delollis).
Comments on my Facebook page (Barbara.Delollis).


Actually, it was kind of nice

Business traveler Noelle Miller wrote:

“I remember checking into the Windsor Sheraton in Bangalore, India a few years ago for work. Beautiful and elegant classical colonial hotel…and since I was alone, being told I would be on the women’s floor. My first experience with that and I didn’t have a problem with it. I was just hoping for some “special” female-centric amenities. But there was nothing like that unfortunately.”

Carol Margolis, author of the SmartWomenTravelers blog, wrote:

“I was at a conference last weekend where the majority of attendees were women who all stayed at one hotel. We probably took over 95% of the guest rooms. Several women came into the lounge in the morning to get their coffee wearing their robe and slippers. It got me wishing that there were more women-only floors (with lounge, of course!) because it was really nice to be so casual and comfy.”

These floors are needed in some parts of the world

Luxury travel agent Jean Newman Glock, who specializes in international travel, says women’s only floors take on specific importance for some cultures.

“It is still very important in many parts of the Middle East and Arabian Gulf, including Dubai, where women prefer women only floors. Jumeirah Hotels have been particularly sensitive to these needs.”

Readers: Comments?

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